GOETEC has been asked to run a professional development programme for ICT/IS staff across all our Members in the Effective Management of External Suppliers (Supplier Management). This is an extension of a successful programme run at University of Kent in 2016. The programme will be ITIL based and will cover the full cycle of supplier management from requirements planning, procurement, supplier selection, contracts, service performance measurement and service reviews. We will build an online resource area for best practice resources; signpost sources of support and case study; and deliver a schedule of workshops and seminars over the autumn 2019. The workshops will promote participants to share their experiences of managing suppliers. The seminars will introduce recognised professional experts such as the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply to outline best practice, and local partners with considerable experience of will pass on their knowledge. Expressions of interest please from the Universities of Kent, Greenwich and Christ Church plus East Kent College to info@goetec.ac.uk