KPSN Network Core Upgrade

For the past 8 years GOETEC Members have benefitted from being part of the KPSN Core network across Kent. This shared infrastructure provides high speed connectivity for all public services in Kent and interconnects with the national JANET network and their main access to the Internet and international links. Use of advanced network management protocols ensures that each service user has a secure, discreet channel through the network separate from other users and high levels of service reliability and availability.  

 The KPSN has always been designed around a Core network ring offering complete resiliency and traffic management. This Core has then connected to most local exchanges in the County that offer local connections to sites such as schools, GP surgeries, local government offices, fire stations etc. The local exchanges are all part of a sub-regional ring which again offers complete resilient connectivity into the Core Network. The University campuses  in Canterbury and Medway are two of four main hubs on the Core network and benefit greatly from being on the Core itself. Fast links then connect he main University of Greenwich campuses in London to the Core hubs in Medway ad JANET. East Kent College has all campuses connected through their local exchange and then to the Core.    

 The Network Core has been upgraded over the last few months to provide a further higher capacity Core ring operating a x4 the original ring. The original lower capacity Core ring has been retained to reinforce the level of resiliency. This combined Core ring has two Access Points into the JANET network at University of Kent and the Medway campus. This all provides significant future proofing for the network as traffic continues to grow at a prolific rate. The attached Network “Tube map” shows a diagram of the two Core rings and the local sub-regional arcs connecting exchanges throughout the County.

 GOETEC Members and the rest of the public sector in Kent now have a shared network infrastructure to suit the 21st Century.