Heidi Fraser-Krauss, formerly executive director of corporate services at the University of Sheffield, has taken over as the new CEO at Jisc.
Taking over on 16 September, 2021, she replaces Paul Feldman, who is retiring after a six-year stint at the helm.
Heidi Fraser-KraussFraser-Krauss says:
“I’m very excited by the challenge of leading Jisc, an organisation that is both envied and emulated across the world.
“The digital services it provides are fundamental to the post-16 education sector and have been particularly important during the pandemic.
“Although this past year has been difficult, it has also given the sector a unique opportunity to rethink how technology and data can enhance all aspects of what colleges, universities and research centres do and how they do it.
“My key priority will be to ensure Jisc stays innovative and focused on the needs of students, educators and researchers in what will be a turbulent but, I am sure, productive time ahead.”
Having gained a degree in psychology and management studies at the University of Glasgow, Fraser-Krauss started her career as a researcher studying how communication in teams supports innovation.
She has since held a variety of leadership roles in higher education, where she has pursued an interest in technology, including leading the technology change team at the University of St Andrews.
Fraser-Krauss has also been a member of UCAS council, chair of Universities and College Information Systems Association (ucisa), and chair of the Russell Universities Group IT Directors (RUGIT).