Kent Connects and the University of Kent invites you to virtually attend its 3rd Digital Accessibility Conference on Wednesday 16 June 10.00 – 16.00.
Sign up to attend the third annual Kent Digital Accessibility Conference to inform Public Sector organisations about digital accessibility and inclusion and the impact of the Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations, hosted by the University of Kent & Kent Connects.
Join them for any or all of the sessions covering key themes including:
- Mobile application compliance
- Staff engagement
- Accessible documents and PDFs
- Testing accessibility
- Lived experiences of accessibility in practice
There will also be a supplier session at the end of the day to allow you to network and experience products that may help your organisation with their digital accessibility compliance journey.
Full details of speaker sessions and meeting links will be confirmed to booked attendees nearer the time.
Public sector, private sector, freelance workers and students are all welcome to attend and learn more about the growing field of digital accessibility.
Follow their Twitter account @KentDigiAccess and #KentDigitialAccessibility2021 to keep updated on the event
Recordings of the event can be found here
The virtual Supplier Showcase can be found here