GOETEC is a non-profit consortium carrying out activity on behalf of the members, covering running cost through membership subscriptions and other activities, including our Project Management service, annual conference and facilitated training opportunities.
GOETEC benefits include:
- Knowledge sharing between institutions creating shared regional knowledge and trust.
- Formal relationships with broader public sector, county and local authorities, education organisations, health trusts and emergency services. Including representation on Kent Connects (joint membership).
- Facilitated access to KPSN services
- Events including “Chatham house”, members and open events.
- Communities of interest:
- Cyber and Business Security
- Best Practice
- Members’ forums
- Directors’ forum
- Operations forum
- Facilitated training opportunities – discounted spaces
- Annual Conference – free and discounted spaces
- Project Management as a Service – discounted rates
GOETEC represents and promotes the interests of IT, IS, ICT and related professionals from HE and FE institutions in the Kent region.